Welcome to our farm website!

We hope you enjoy the information and photos about our way of life. We envision this site as a way to share some aspects of our lives with others, to share information and to share the beauty of this hillside we call home.
We've been on this particular hillside land in the hills of Western Massachusetts (North America) since 2007 and in that time we've planted the hundreds of flower varieties used for the Fox Mountain flower essence business as well as hundreds of fruit, nut, herb and vegetable plants. We've built 2 barns, fenced pastures and started both a herd of goats and a flock of sheep. We have two Maremma livestock guardian dogs that live with our goats and sheep to protect them from the coyotes, lynx, bear and mountain lions that also inhabit this area.

We raise much of the food we eat and that feels good both for quality and resilience reasons. We grow both culinary and medicinal herbs for our own use. Our flock of chickens provides us with eggs. Our cats are a garden rodent patrol team and double as snugglers on the kitchen daybed. This is a sweet and beautiful place to live.